Our AC installer in Hollywood has put a new unit into your home. Or, perhaps we’ve installed a new tankless water heater into your office. Sounds like the end, right?

Once our AC installer in Hollywood has put in your unit, that’s not the end of the services we offer. After all, even the best installed air conditioning or heater can break down. In southern California, many folks just leave their AC on all of the time. Even if you do everything to make sure your heater works as it should, sometimes they just break down. An emergency can cost you exorbitant amounts of money. That’s where our routine maintenance comes in.

We can perform a routine maintenance check on your air conditioning and heater. Schedule the visit in advance, (or even when our AC installer in Hollywood puts in your unit) and a heating and cooling expert from our team will stop by your location. They’ll give your heater and air conditioning a thorough, comprehensive inspection. This is a real “leave no stone unturned” kind of investigation. If there’s a problem (or even a potential problem) with your heater or air conditioning, they’ll find it.

Then, they can fix it on the spot, instead of waiting for an emergency down the line. So many times over the years, we’ve managed to ward off a real emergency by catching a problem in its infancy, before something truly bad happened.
Even the most conscientious among us isn’t always concerned with the well-being of their AC and heating unit. That’s with good reason: you have enough else to worry about in your life, the wellbeing of your HVAC shouldn’t have to be near the top of the list. That’s how our routine maintenance offers you peace of mind: we give you one less thing to worry about.

After our heating or AC installer in Hollywood puts in or fixes your unit, talk to us about routine maintenance. You’ll be glad you did